Sexual health

  • Brook

    Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.


  • Sexual Health Helpline

    The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm.

    0300 123 7123

  • Family Planning Association

    A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association gives straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.

    020 7608 5240

    Family Planning Association

  • Sexual Health For All East London

    They provide free and confidential sexual health services at our centres across east London, providing everything from sexual health screenings (including HIV testing) to contraception services.


  • Positive East

    Positive East has been at the forefront of HIV service and care for three decades; supporting people from point of HIV diagnosis to longer term care.

    020 7791 2855 



  • <strong>Free, quick and easy testing for STIs</strong>

    If you live in Hackney and you’re over 16, and have no or mild STI symptoms, you can order a free kit to easily test yourself for STIs in the privacy of your own home through Sexual Health London. There is no referral process
    Hackney residents who may be at-risk of having contracted Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV, can take a free, confidential test at a local GP surgery, or at Homerton Hospital.

  • <strong><strong><strong><strong>Support for residents living with, or affected by HIV</strong></strong></strong></strong><br><br><strong><strong><strong><strong>Adults living with HIV</strong></strong></strong></strong>

    Positive East works with Hackney residents living with or affected by HIV. They provide support and advice on HIV, as well as health and wellbeing, benefit advice, housing issues and more. They also offer free and confidential counselling and psychotherapy sessions.
    Referrals can be made through your hospital clinic or by calling 020 7791 2855. Proof of HIV status will be requested. HIV testing is for people who live or work in east London. For more information call 020 7791 2855 or email

  • <strong><strong>Order free contraception</strong></strong>

    If you live in Hackney and are aged over 16, and you’d like to start using contraception, or carry on with your current method and would usually get it from a sexual health clinic, you can now order it from Sexual Health London.
    A wide choice of contraceptives are available, including emergency / morning after pills, combined pills, mini pills, patch, and ring. You can arrange for them to be delivered to your home or to collect from a location. You’ll receive a full online consultation, and your request will be reviewed by a GP before your contraception is prescribed.

  • <strong>Do it London</strong>

    The Council is proud to support the Do It London campaign, which urges Londoners to get tested for HIV.
    Testing is the only way to be sure of your HIV status. The earlier you test, the lower the risk of the infection damaging your health. Condoms and other methods, such as PrEP are crucial to reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Condoms also protect against other sexually transmitted infections.

  • <strong><strong>City and Hackney Young People’s Service (CHYPS Plus)</strong></strong>

    City and Hackney Young People’s Service (CHYPS Plus) is a holistic service for young people aged 11 to 19. CHYPS Plus provides a range of services to support health and wellbeing, including testing and treatment for STIs, contraception, pregnancy testing, Hepatitis B screening and vaccinations, condoms and more.
    You can learn more by visiting CHYPS Plus.

  • <strong><strong><strong><strong>Support for residents living with, or affected by HIV</strong></strong></strong></strong><br><br><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Children, young people and families affected by HIV</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong>

    Body & Soul supports children, teenagers and families living with, or closely affected by, HIV, who live in Hackney.
    It provides an array of support, including peer support groups and information workshops for children, teenagers and adults; one-to-one counselling with mental health professionals; information and advocacy on issues, such as health and treatment, welfare, human rights and immigration; and much more.
    To make a referral, complete the referral form. They will get in touch to arrange a time to register the person being referred.
    Find out more about Body & Soul’s services and how to become a member. You can also call 020 7923 6880 or email

  • <strong><strong><strong>Access free condoms</strong></strong></strong>

    When used correctly and consistently, condoms are an extremely effective method of preventing STIs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea, and avoiding unwanted pregnancies.
    You can access free condoms and lubricant from a range of local venues, if you are either under 25 years old, or 25+ and in the following group(s) at higher risk of STIs and HIV:
    – gay / bisexual men
    – Black African and Black Caribbean
    – client of a substance misuse service
    – involved in sex working

    A list of outlets providing free condoms to under-25s can be accessed on the Young Hackney website. Free condoms for 25+ in higher-risk groups can be accessed from the pharmacies listed on this page.
    The NHS website has a comprehensive guide to the different types of contraception available – including condoms – to help guide you to the form that is best suited to you and your needs.

  • <strong><strong><strong><strong>Support for sex workers in Hackney and the City</strong></strong></strong></strong>

    Open Doors is a free and confidential advice service for people working in the sex industry in Hackney and the City of London. It is delivered by Homerton Sexual Health Service and can provide a range of support, including access to specialist sexual health services, condoms, psychological support, and other forms of support. Open Doors provides outreach and drop-in clinics. To find out more, please call the team on 07984 401 346, or visit the Open Doors website.

  • <strong><strong><strong>Information videos about the COVID-19 vaccine for people living with HIV</strong></strong></strong>

    Covid-19 vaccines for people with HIV (Dr Vanessa Apea) – National Aidsmap

    Q&A: Covid-19 vaccines and people living with HIV – UK-CAB

  • <strong>Local sexual health services, including contraception and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP</strong>)

    You can access a wide range of local sexual health services on Homerton sexual health services.
    This includes information about contraception, local sexual health clinics (Clifden Centre, John Scott Clinic, Ivy Centre, and 80 Leadenhall in the City of London), how to access services if you are aged under 17, as well as their offering around free PrEP treatment.
    Online booking for next day appointments is available, at 7pm you can book a next day appointment for sexual health by visiting Homerton Sexual Health Services – online booking portal.
    In addition, you can also access a range of support for your sexual and reproductive health, such as Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), STI testing and treatment, and more, at your GP practice, or a local community pharmacy.
    Local residents from black and other ethnic minority communities are also able to access tailored support to look after their sexual and reproductive health through Project Community – Good Sexual Health for all in City and Hackney.
    This service is commissioned by the local Public Health team and offers health promotion, advice, and information on a wide range of topics, including ways that individuals can protect themselves against HIV and other STIs.

  • <strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Information for suppliers of sexual health services</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong>

    The Council ensures that suitably qualified and CQC registered open access sexual health services are available to residents in the borough.
    We do this by negotiating terms and conditions for these services with local providers based within Hackney and across London, to provide the following:
    – giving contraceptive advice
    – providing medical examinations to people looking for contraceptive advice
    – treating and supplying contraceptive substances and appliances
    Treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI)
    – preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections
    – treating, testing and caring for people with STIs and
    – notifying the sexual partners of people with these infections

    Due to the open access nature of sexual health services, residents may choose to use other providers who have not established terms and conditions with the Council.
    These out of area providers are not directly commissioned by the Council and there is currently only an agreement for the cross charging for genito-urinary medicine (GUM) services.