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Drugs and alcohol

  • Drinkaware

    Digital tools to help you assess, track and set goals to reduce your drinking.

    Drinkaware tools

  • WithYou

    Get free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from one of their local services or online.


  • Talk to Frank

    If you have a problem with drugs, you can Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.

    0300 123 6600


    Talk to Frank


  • NHS Drink Free Days

    Drink Free Days is for people who like a drink but want some support in tracking and cutting down on the booze as well as better understanding the risks.

    Google Play Store
    Download NHS Drink Free Days on the Google Play Store

    Apple App Store
    Download NHS Drink Free Days on the Apple App Store

  • Drinkline

    If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.

    0300 123 1110

  • DASL

    DASL (Drug & Alcohol Service for London).
    Previously known as Alcohol East. A leading Substance Misuse Charity in London.


  • DrugWise

    DrugWise provides evidence-based drug, alcohol and tobacco information and resources, including an international knowledge hub.


  • The Orbit

    The Orbit is an inclusive drug & alcohol service for expectant mothers and anyone caring for a child under 5 years old.

    020 7749 9850

    Comet Children’s Centre, 20 Halcomb Street, Hackney, London, N1 5RF

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

    0800 9177 650

    Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain


  • <strong>City and Hackney Recovery Service</strong>

    Delivered by Turning Point in partnership with Mind CHWF and Antidote, City and Hackney Recovery Service offers free and accessible substance misuse support and treatment to all Hackney residents.

    0345 144 0050

    City and Hackney Recovery Service.

    Referral portal
    online portal


  • <strong><strong>Young Hackney Substance Misuse Service</strong></strong>

    Young Hackney’s Substance Misuse Service provides information, advice, support and counselling to young people aged 6 up to their 25th birthday who are at risk or have developed problems associated with drugs misuse. It offers one-to-one appointments and confidential advice by telephone. The service also provides drugs education and prevention sessions to schools, colleges and the wider community along with an advice line for parents and carers.

    020 8356 7377


  • Young Hackney – Substance Misuse Service

    The Young Hackney Substance Misuse Service is open to anyone aged under 25. It’s free and completely confidential. We can give you advice and support if you’re worried about your own substance use, or if you’re worried that a friend or family member has a problem with drugs or alcohol.

    020 8356 7377


    Young Hackney Substance Misuse Service – Young Hackney

  • Narcotics Anonymous

    Am I an addict?
    This is a question we have to answer for ourselves, if you think you might have a problem, but are unsure if you are an addict, one of the best ways you can decide for yourself is to attend one of our meetings. There are NA meetings both online and in person, please check out our meetings page.
    ​If you know the answer is yes just come along to one of our meetings.

    UKNA- Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom

  • UK SMART Recovery (UKSR)

    UK SMART Recovery (UKSR) is a registered charity which promotes choice in recovery through a national network of mutual-aid meetings and online training programmes with comprehensive teaching materials and manuals. Our Programme teaches rational, easy to learn and self-empowering skills to help participants abstain from any addictive behaviour and to develop a lifestyle that supports sustained recovery.

    Self-Help Addiction Recovery

  • Tower Hamlets Drug and Alcohol Service

    Reset is an integrated service which provides drug and alcohol treatment to Tower Hamlets residents aged 18 or over and support to family and friends who are concerned about someone’s drug and/or alcohol use.
    Support offered includes:
    Advice and information for people who use drugs and/or alcohol and concerned others
    Community alcohol detoxification
    Healthcare assessments
    Testing for HIV, hepatitis B, C. Hepatitis B vaccination
    Access to needle exchange
    Assessment for residential detoxification and rehabilitation services
    Counselling and 1:1 keyworking
    Support for clients experiencing domestic violence
    Onward referral to further support services as required
    Signposting and access to mutual aid groups such as AA, NA and Smart Recovery

    Website – Where to get help